Transitional dressing isn’t always easy – but as she returns to our screens after a well-earned summer break, the lovely Lorraine Kelly is certainly making it look that way.
Transitional dressing isn’t always easy – but as she returns to our screens after a well-earned summer break, the lovely Lorraine Kelly is certainly making it look that way.
Liz Jones
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I received a long complimentary letter from a man. He wasn’t trying to flirt (you will not believe the number of men who have contacted me since the three-women-in-as-many-nights debacle; one said, ‘Why do you always choose the wrong man?’ when in fact he seemed perfect for, oh, about a week) but told me I should give David 1.0 another chance. In his letter he even sweetly referred to my ex by his number, saying David 1.0 is an ‘innocent’, he ‘leaps off the page’ and all my male readers are rooting for him. He also told me I should get a rag-doll cat.