Chances are, the stress of the past few years have had a pretty significant impact on your skin. First there was the pandemic and constant face mask-wearing, and now we’re amid a cost of living crisis, climate crisis and witnessing heartbreaking conflicts around the world. The myriad of changes to your daily routine, mood and lifestyle as a consequence may have led to dryness, breakouts and other tricky-to-treat complaints.
I received a long complimentary letter from a man. He wasn’t trying to flirt (you will not believe the number of men who have contacted me since the three-women-in-as-many-nights debacle; one said, ‘Why do you always choose the wrong man?’ when in fact he seemed perfect for, oh, about a week) but told me I should give David 1.0 another chance. In his letter he even sweetly referred to my ex by his number, saying David 1.0 is an ‘innocent’, he ‘leaps off the page’ and all my male readers are rooting for him. He also told me I should get a rag-doll cat.